Which Water Bottle has the Best Insulation?
Which Water Bottle has the Best Insulation?
Insulated water bottles have been around for a long time, but in the last decade or so their popularity skyrocketed with brands like Hydro Flask and YETI coming out with high quality and fashionable options. There’s no doubt that the dual-wall insulation technology in these bottles is a wonderful quality of life improvement compared to non-insulated bottles, especially if you live in a hot region.
Many people ask, which water bottle has the best insulation?
We put 10 popular water bottle brands to the test to see how they hold up with our own insulation test.
BottlePro’s Amazon Store – https://amzn.to/3a2fNwf
Products Referenced:
Ice Stick Mold – https://amzn.to/3Q6WTVz
Nalgene with the Classic Lid (32oz) – https://amzn.to/3I6x0TW
Klean Kanteen Classic, Non-Insulated, Classic Lid (32oz) – https://amzn.to/3Q0dNVZ
Hydro Flask with a Flex Straw Lid (32oz) – https://amzn.to/3i0MY7C
ThermoFlask with a Chug Lid (32oz) – https://amzn.to/3FXGjTz
Takeya with a Chug Lid (32oz) – https://amzn.to/3C823eb
Iron Flask with a Straw Lid (40oz) – https://amzn.to/3juryzX
Klean Kanteen TKWide with a Chug Lid (32oz) – https://amzn.to/3GoU27j
YETI Rambler with Classic Lid (36oz) – https://amzn.to/3CuWyXt
Luxe with Chug Lid (22oz) – https://amzn.to/3WwwOBF
Stanley Original (1L / 34oz) – https://amzn.to/3jBAvYa
Which insulated water bottle is the best
What is the most insulated water bottle
Most insulated water bottle
Most popular insulated water bottle
Hydro flask insulation test
Hydro flask insulation
Klean kanteen insulation
Nalgene insulation
Thermoflask insulation
Takeya insulation
Iron flask insulation
Yeti insulation
Stanley insulation
Luxe insulation
How good are triple wall insulated bottles
Are triple wall insulated bottles better
Triple wall insulation
Triple wall insulation
Arent the takeya and thermoflask the same bottles? I thought takeya owned thermoflask and just sold the same bottle with a different label on it?
My thermoflask sucks. Got my gf an iron flask and its way better
You can actually avoid assuming if the effects of the volume does in fact have an effect on the rate of ice melting by having similar bottle sizes for each flask and using data analysis such as ANOVA, and a post-hoc DMRT.
Bottle pro,,greatwork
Thank you for making this video amazon reviews are hit and miss
So does Luxe to make water bottles anymore or they just completely sold out? Plus I seen under Facebook the last time they posted something was last year
Could you please do a separate review of the Luxe Hydration bottle?
This is a strange way to introduce the lousy soundtrack
Great review but would like to know which ones are less toxic. With so many using recycle material which introduces processing agent or chemical residuals in the finished product…it would be nice to know which ones are less toxic.
Where test for Hot water? Im your subs!
Why did you make things easier just do a temperature test
But you don’t have the takeya with the insulated lid, which is on the "actives" variety.
No Tiger brand from Japan? 😭
This was a super helpful video! I was about to give up on the Thermoflask until you mentioned there are other factors to consider besides insulation (eg price, color, lid types). Thanks again!
The music is distracting
Compares thermoses, doesn’t include the brand Thermos..
Stanley is best, followed by Yeti then Takeya then Hydro flask. Eat that you stanley haters!
I’m gonna zip to the end and see who won
Coldest water bottle is the best by far
Insulated water bottles have been around for a long time . Good information that’s all we need to know .
I have a few of these water bottles recently purchased and Iron Flask and use it at work and I fill it with ice and do water with my Liquid IV and I left it at my desk over the weekend and still had ice on Monday.
How do you not have coldest here???
great review
I feel like this would pair well with a video about yoga pants and fancy coffee
Thermoflask and Aquaflask is the same to me..
Sigg Switzerland is number 1 of the world
I prefer Yeti…. They’re easier to clean. That’s what got me sold.
Hall Sarah Young Timothy Thompson Joseph
Stanley has been a leading brand over 100 years. Theyre built like tanks and last forever. I’ll probably oass my down to my kids.
Hey, yall! What straw lids can be shaped to a corkcicle 40oz. It’s great but needs a good top.
I’m trying to hike in scallops next time I go backpacking and trying to find the best bottle to use to insulate them in ice… thanks for the video. This Was very informative
Hi, any special reason you are not reviewing the Thinksport bottles? I think they are so great, but it seems like they are not marketing themselves enough
None of that. My THERMOS ULTIMATE do it better
coleman beats everything
Remember get one that’s easy to clean!
Too bad you didn’t include Simple Modern as they seems to beat Stanley in the cold test.
No Camelbak?
You can find anything on YT!
Thremoflask is the best one
Gotta test the tk wide with the standard lid. Love the chug cap for daily use, but if I need to bring extra ice water and keep it cold for longer, I switch it to the original lid. I’ve had it hold ice 24+ hours
I’ve watched a good few videos on this subject and they all seemed to use such different variables that didn’t make the test very accurate or "scientific", so I appreciate that you went about it in as scientific a way as possible. Obviously controlling for bottle size across the board is one factor that couldn’t be fully controlled in this case, lid type as well, but this is a very good test imo. Especially since you did it 3 times. That’s huge. Thanks again for doing this.
Should’ve used the Klean Canteen tkPro
The original thermos ( not Stanley) has been by far the bottle that has the best and longest lasting insulation for me…. I’m not sure why you don’t review these.
I work on such a hall that mineral water quickly gets cold as from the refrigerator which in winter effectively discourages me to drink it. will a bottle such as Starke ProFino or Starke Pro Explorer be good to keep the water at room temperature all the time without getting cold?
That you didn’t test Ozark trail, but tested a bunch of no name brands is idiotic
Which one is gluten free?
Thank you so much for this 🙏
No one wants to keep a single block of ice cold in their bottle. Test how these bottles will be used practically. The most significant heat exchange with bottles like this is the lid which you excluded in this test.