The Gear You MUST HAVE To Start Camping
The Gear You MUST HAVE To Start Camping
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If you’re going camping for the first time, or you haven’t been in quite a while, this video will cover all the essential camping gear you need to head for the hills and have a fun and safe time. No sales pitches, not a review, just a bunch of information that will help you get organized and make sure you bring what you need. If you have questions, let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best to respond.
⚡️ First aid kit –
⚡️ Emergency blanket –
⚡️ Tent –
⚡️ Rain fly –
⚡️ Thick sleeping pad –
⚡️ Good sleeping bag –
⚡️ Good backpacking quilt –
⚡️ Camp pillow –
⚡️ Decent headlamp –
⚡️ Polycord/paracord –
⚡️ Extra stakes –
⚡️ Aqua-tainer water jug –
⚡️ Collapsible bucket –
⚡️ Hatchet –
⚡️ Good inexpensive cooler –
⚡️ Good bear-resistant cooler –
⚡️ Cooler padlocks for bear resistance –
⚡️ Camp Chef stove –
⚡️ Blue enamel dish set –
⚡️ Blue kettle –
⚡️ Collapsible sink –
⚡️ Fire starter plugs –
⚡️ Fire starter rope –
⚡️ Camp chair –
⚡️ Can koozie –
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00:00 Systems and Priority
01:15 Safety
02:14 Shelter
06:37 Water and Fire
09:18 Food
12:25 Comfort
14:15 Recommendations
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That was the best intro video ever. Thanks! I was anxious about camping but I feel better now. 🙏🙏🙏
Excellent video
NEVER, EVER, EVER FORGET TOILET PAPER. Even if you’re going to a Campground with a flush toilet. Sometimes they run out or it’s just 1ply.
Or a bidet if you’re fancy. But make sure you have something to clean your bum. Itchy booty will ruin your trip.
this is must have gear! if you don’t have it, you can’t go outside. and you should be really embarrassed.
great little video, thank you. I also think an essential is how you have your "bathroom" set up. it’s important to be responsible with out "waste" how does your family responsibility take care of the if you’re not in a campground where there may be a toilet.
Great video! It’s good to educate people on what the realities of camping are. Many people think you have to spend a ton of money to go camping, but that is really not the case. I have to give Walmart props for keeping the prices of basic things down. I saw a quality tent for under 60 bucks!
What air mattress are those?
UR not camping with ALL that gear… .. u don’t even know how to camp..
Great vid, sir. Very well done 👍🏼
Thank you !
Please be careful with pans when the non-stick looks like that. It gets really toxic.
Thank you 😊
Detailed yet concise – this is how camping gear guides should be done!
Dude, you need to carry more water. I can’t believe you only carry 7 gallons of water for the whole family. I carry 18 gallons and it’s just me. You talk about first aid at the beginning… water goes along with that. What if your rig breaks down and you have to be stuck somewhere? Water is not a place to be frugal. You have all that other junk with you but skimped on your water… nuts.
You’re describing systems for an essentials list lol. Essentials are sleeping and cooking. Everything else is luxury. Don’t gimme wrong I don’t go out and super rough it but camping has become so convoluted and product diluted. The best way to find out what you want camping is to go out bare minimum and you’ll figure it out for the next trip. Gear adds up quick financially and takes up real estate FAST. Last thing to keep in mind is packing up to leave sucks if you’re over geared.
Wonderful video with lots of great tips!
One to add- If you don’t have an insulated air mattress/pad, I’ve had good luck just putting a wool blanket over it.
Loudly second the purchase of local firewood.
And one of the most wonderful winter camping moments I had last year was finding my thick wool socks in the bottom of my sleeping bag in the middle of the night. 😂 So, thick wool socks.
Backpackers accidentally click in horror lol
Been using a cheap 2 person Coleman tent for about 8 years. Refuses to die, not allowing me an excuse to buy a new tent.
This was such a great overview!
Great Video! However…Coffee should be #1 on the list! 😂
Get our FREE printable camping gear checklist when you sign up for our email newsletter! 👉 That way you won’t forget anything!
Ho hum!
L❤ve from
what about safety from hobos with shotguns and bears?
5:31 hello, do you have a link or name of the foam/air sleeping pad you like? Thanks!
Love this. Not telling us to buy unnecessary items marketed towards campers. Just the basics and that’s all you need.
Springbar 👍👍👍 for car camping
Very good video
Your living outdoors not camping
I got to be able to get up off the ground, I have a 21 in high air mattress, use cooling sheets 😎
5:31 hello, do you have a link or name of the foam/air sleeping pad you like? Thanks!
Correction: Gear “You MUST HAVE to start GLAMPING”
Also, those intex mattress are pretty cheap and reliable.
I noticed you kept saying you were car camping… I’m confused what you mean by that. I thought car camping when when you sleep inside your car?
Where is the bear spray? I understand that mentioning a firearm because it’s a touchy subject, but at least Bear spray. But I am aware some states or areas it’s Illegal. Shoot, I hear in Canada. You could buy a gallon of milk and it comes with Bear spray lol
Throw out your teflon pan, it is super dangerous is the teflon coating is damaged. Once the teflon is scratched it starts releasing chemicals into your food which causes cancer. Any Teflon pan that has damage to its coating should be thrown away immediately, and replaced. You don’t need to buy an expensive one, since Teflon pans aren’t made to last forever, so it’s better off buying a cheaper one and then throwing it away when it’s no longer usable.
My hat in appreciation! Straight to the point! Thank you! Other Utubers should take NOTICE!
Great video ❤😊
great video, exactly the video i was looking for. havent been camping since i was a kid so this is a great way to get back into it. good work
First time I’ve seen a video like this where someone’s used a pockt for medication! I use mine for every camping trip it’s so useful
Fantastic video. Well presented 😅
Love ❤️ from AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺 ❤ we kove camping. Well accommodation is ridiculous expensive. Amd AUSTRALIA is not dog friendly 😢
very helpful video and i love the way you present everything. thank you
Not me prioritizing comfort before watching this video. Great video
Very good video. It’s honest.
Great video. I’d also add hand warmers and propane fire ring if camp fires aren’t allowed.
We want look you gear not you face. Eshol
Lmao all i bring is my hammock and some weed lol.
Thanks for a great video. One thing… get rid of that frypan. If the no stick is flaking it’s super toxic!
Spare toilet paper is an essential. I’ve been to campgrounds that runn out or don’t restock the facilities