Choosing a Bear Canister (Bear Vault, UDAP, Garcia Backpacker's Cache, Bare Boxer)
Choosing a Bear Canister (Bear Vault, UDAP, Garcia Backpacker's Cache, Bare Boxer)
Today we are looking at the most popular and most common bear canisters that are required at national parks to store your food when you are out in the back country. Choosing the right bear canister when going into the back country can be a difference maker. There are alot of pros and cons to consider with the options out there. We will see the similarities and differences that make them unique so you can choose what is the best one for you.
#bearvault #bearcanister #foodstorage
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Your toothbrush and toothpaste should be in your bear can anyway.
Thanks for making this video! I have a rookie question hopefully someone can help? I’m going car camping with my dog in Helen Georgia. If I buy this can the bear smell that there’s food in my car? I’m scared that big brown boy will try to come in the car and get my peanut butter and jelly! If it has to stay outside can I hide it underneath my car? I don’t want anyone in the camp geound to steal it.
Just a heads up. I’ve seen pics of the clear brand that actually got chewed through.
That was great information! Thank you! While I love the weight of my bear bag, it really is a pain in the ass after a long day of hiking, and there were warnings of bears along the AT (I was in GA and NC this past July) that have figured out how to get the food even though it was hung up using the PCT method
I took my Garcia bear canister on one of my hikes to the Enchanted Valley in the ONP. My first day out there a really big black bear tried to wander into my campsite at Pyrites Creek the first day. When I day hiked into the Enchanted Valley on the second day, I came back to find my Garcia totally mauled by what I’m assuming is the big boy that kept trying to come into my camp the first day. Nicely enough though, it held up fine.
The BV500 and a Bearicade Blaser are about the same size. BV500 is 8.7" dia. by 12.7" tall and 700 cu in. Blaser is 9"dia. by 12" tall and 750 cu in. Both perfect for multi day treks and food for one up to at least 7 days. So, why don’t Pack makers revise their packs to allow them to fit horizontally in their top of the line packs. Example: Zpacks Arc Haul 62L. The main compartment is 12.5" by 8". Added up that’s 8+12.5+8+12.5 = 41" The BV 8.7+12.7+8.7+12.7 = 42.8" . and The Blaser 9+12+9+12 = 42" . So for company that provides a large percentage of the Packs used by AT, PCT, & CDT thru hikers, plus a lot of others that value their equipment, why don’t they increase their main compartments slightly. I’M PRETTY SURE IT WOULD BE A GREAT SELLING POINT. PS I have tried to get both in my Arc Haul Horizontally. The Dyneema does not stretch. I am a hunter and have tried KUIU packs and others, same problem. Bear canisters are sized to insure the bear can not open its mouth to bite it. I’m not sure what pack manufactures criteria is .
Another issue with the bag is that a bear can get their mouth around it and walk away with it. The canisters have diameters too big for that problem.
This is an excellent review! Seeing all of them next to each other provides a great visual. You detailed each one perfectly! thank you! 👍👍👍
After you fill it where do u put it? They don’t have any loops to hang it from something.
Have a Garcia…getting a Bare Boxer. Same reasons you mentioned. Need a smaller one for short trips, and already have a larger one for longer trips.
I don’t even know why I’m watching this, we don’t have bears in Australia😂
Bears get into the ur sack by bitting and ripping
What happens if my food is inside a fridge in my car?
You should add that the Lil Sami and Big Daddy each has an anodized aluminum lid that is also a 850ml fry pan. Could be a good plus for anyone who doesn’t already have a fry pan.
I went with two BV450. Each person will carry their own food and help carry food for the dog. I’m considering an ursack for the dog food for longer hikes so the dog can carry his food in his pack and then throw the whole pack into the ursack at the end of the day. This will free up room in the BV450 so we can stay out longer.
Thank you for the review! I was wondering if you could tell me if there is any kind of map out there that tells where a bear canister is required here in the State of Washington where I am from. It is very confusing. In addition, what areas the bear sack can be used in lieu of the bear cans?
"I’M SORRY, BUT…..Why complain about "COIN" use??….. THAT’S WHAT (MULTI-TOOLS) ARE FOR….🙄
Thanks! This was helpful.
Excellent video. Thanks for not having the hyper youtube voice.
The background music is so awful & distracting. 🙁
At 3:07 you mentioned the bear vault canisters are outlawed in some areas due to some bears having figured out how to open them. This is the first I’ve ever heard of this. Can you link or direct where to find more information about this? I’d like to know where this has occurred. Thanks for your effort in making this video by the way!
Bear vault cause I’m not a pussy
I’m glad you have done this review, I love putting stuff inside my BV450 but to be honest that size and the shape of it it’s real pain in the ass inside Hyperlite 2400. I swear the God it’s the ugliest and eat up a lot of space. I’m considering between bare boxer 101 and the UDAP right now, need to pull the trigger asap.
Just linked to you on my bear can video that will come out in a few weeks – hope it gets you some traffic!
Get your guns up
Great information; thank you!
Oh man I was just researching this – perfect timing! I just ordered the Bare Boxer myself. Although most are hard to find at this time, one con for the Garcia is availability – I can’t fine them anymore at all.
wow, the bearvault 500 is huge — if I had that I wouldn’t have room for anything else in my pack
Love my bare boxer. You can use more than a key to open it. I’ve used pocket knife, hard small sticks and a pointy little rock. I feel like I could get it open in any situation. I started hot soaking my food in a collapsible reusable silicone zip lock bag, that way I don’t have to squeeze my pot and stove in there too. I can now get 5 days of food in it but I’m a small guy so I probably eat less than most backpackers. I now carry it on every backpacking trip. I just got fed up with hanging a bear bag. Most trees I find are less than ideal and always got my dang rock and line all tangled up. They also keep out rodents and birds where as bags do not.
Borrowed the udap from my friend only issue I had was trying to open it ,, it was hard the thing holding the lid wouldn’t turn
One thing about bear canisters is that, even though they don’t collapse as you consume food, you can add non-food items which makes room elsewhere in your pack.
Seems like you could make one out of a large pvc pipe. Why are these things so expensive?
bearvault is worthless in cold weather… your homework
We have the bear vault 500. It’s usually our family of 4 hiking and so it’s me shoving it in my 85L Osprey pack. I like it. No hanging food and it doubles as a great chair. We’re in Victoria BC, need it for the OP anyways and have learned to love it.
I’d choose the exact same ones. Bit surprised the Bear Safe is not approved thiugh. Similar design
I like that you mentioned that bears can open bear vaults. That’s a good enough reason for anyone who is serious about adventuring to look for other options.
I have the Bearikade Scout and Expedition – love them both. They are pricy, but in my opinion, well worth the cost. Never had an issue opening them either. I have a couple friends that have the Bear Boxer and both have struggled with them being hard to open. But for the price and size, they are great. Curious – do you have issues with the rib of the larger canister you bought digging into your back with the Southwest 3400? Nice review!
Just FYI, the BV canisters (the clear blue ones) are no longer considered bear proof or resistant. Parks that require bear canisters won’t accept Bear Vault canisters anymore, they will make you rent a different one.
Amazes me why manufactures use blue tones which bears see best.
Check out the Lighter 1!
Do i really need this bulky stuff in my bag? Lol its going to take 30% of my space