BEST REUSABLE BAGS for Camping and Hiking
BEST REUSABLE BAGS for Camping and Hiking
BEST REUSABLE BAGS // I’ve tested A LOT of reusable bags, and in this video I round up my favorites for car camping and hiking snacks!
Since I love to cook over the campfire and make my own hiking snacks, I wanted some reusable storage options that I could use in these situations outdoors.
So far, I’ve tried reusable silicon bags, reusable plastic bags, and reusable fabric bags. I’ll share the pros and cons of each, and my recommendations for the best bags for hikers and campers.
Stasher Bags:
HomeLux Theory:
Re Zip by Blue Avocado: (sandwich size) (smaller stand-up bags)
Bumkins: (clear front) (all fabric)
LunchSkins: (velcro) (paper bags)
☀️ L E T ’ S C O N N E C T
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Wow! It was fun to see some old cloth diapering brands have ventured into storage. I used Bumkins covers for my kids (14-19 years ago) and some of the covers are still working for friends. I’m sure their bags would be good too. I use the slide seal and zip bags for both camping and hiking and have worked great.
Great review. I have the Homelux style ones and I use them a lot for camping but I kind of hate the plastic part. It’s awkward sometimes to get it on and off and it makes the bag so bulky. One thing I sometimes do is kind of roll them and put a big rubber band around them instead of using the plastic slide. Fits better in the cooler, and works for non liquid things.
I have been wanting the stasher bags but omg they are RIDICULOUSLY pricey. I just can’t. I’m so glad you showed how they can open if you push on them. That’s not going to work for me so now I don’t have to covet them 🙂
thanks for the review! i got a question. the second ones that you have reviewed, they have silicon smell?
Have you tried any of those beeswax wraps? There are multiple brands but I think the most well-known is bee’s wrap. I have a few and they’re pretty cool!
Stashed does ALL of the other stuff as well. #yaknow
Do you have a suggestion that will work in a stove to heat food up. Like a canteen cup or something? Thank you in advance.
This is cool thank you
Exactly what I was looking for! Very informative. Thanks Amanda!
great video!
Thank you for the helpful review!
Great Review! Thanks for sharing.
I just bought the rezip bags. Do you hand wash them or put them in the dishwasher?
Do you find the stuff in the bumkins fabric bags goes stale quickly? I am going to make some for my daughters lunches but am wondering if I can pack a couple days ahead or not.
Super late comment, but I have been using the same set of 5 Re-Zip bags daily for the past FIVE years and they are still as strong, clean, and tight-sealing as the day I bought them. Can’t speak to the durability of Stasher bags, but there’s absolutely no reason to worry about the Re-zip one wearing out!
Those ones at 2:45 you got from Home luxe aren’t good for storying liquids. It will slowly drip out if you tip them over
I love stasher bags!!! I was skeptical at first but, omg I’m hooked now! The fabric/velcro bags are my least favorite.
thanks for doing this comparison! what would you recommend if I wanted to bring a serving of hummus on a day hike?
Three bumkins are okay for single day use, but after that they don’t keep treats well, but others great bag for some uses.
It’s definitely great to minimize single use items and even plastics, however, these items in the video still pose environmental problems. They will sadly, end up in the landfill. Also, though not made of plastics, bags such as Stashers cannot be recycled and are made of silicone which are made from sand. That poses a big environmental problem that not many are aware of. Beware of greenwashing from companies.
Can you add boiling hot water in these to cook food like oatmeal?
Exactly the video I was looking for! Will start doing my research. Those paper sandwich bags are such a great idea!
Thank you so much for this awesome review! I went to Amazon and QUICKLY got overwhelmed, this has helped me not buy something that may not be user friendly to me! I have recently have made some changes in my life to live a better more earth-friendly/animal-friendly life!
On the Rezip, what do you mean by Blue Avocado? Is that a color? A style?
Zip Locks are much cheaper and will last a while. Much lighter also. Pretty important when hiking. Then you just pitch when they get cruddy. Thanks for vid.
I really want to love my stasher bags but it has kept the flavor of my dish soap so that everything I put in it tastes like soap.
Great helpful video!! Thanks so much!!
Super helpful and practical video! I’m new to stasher but love them thus far!
Just stumbled across the stasher bags yesterday and I’m already in love with them great breakdown of the video in the different bags
Great video love it. Its the way to go
I don’t think you mentioned it in the video… how are the rezip with liquids? You mention moisture but not specifically a liquid like a sauce?
Where are the zip tops
Thank you for doing this video. It was helpful even though I couldn’t catch a lot of the words in it. You talk really, really fast, too fast for me to follow well. Next time you do a great video like this, slow down a little bit? Is the ReZip made of the same material as the Stashers? And what about the ones with the slides that go over the top of the bag (couldn’t understand the name) – are they platinum silicone as well? When you say they will "stand up" does that mean they will stand up by themselves, so you can pour something into them? Thanks.
I need Amanda Hugginkiss..
I love the stasher bags, it keeps my cilantro fresh for a long time.
like your content! wondering if the lunchskins’ peels on the paper bags recyclable? thank you!
what is the difference between the material of the bumkins and lunchskins cloth bags?
Thank you! First time viewer ..I heard you mention you make your own granolas…. any recipes in particular?
What kind of bars are those?! they look so yum!
Which is the best for meat in the cooler, car camping?
I like the variety and good reviews.
I’m trying to find some that are good for chips. I have some they are too thick and they break the chips. I need a thin type like real ziplock bags.
Love the bumkins!!!!
I work with rezip, can we reach out to you and send you some?
make the earth smile! 🙂
Nice review thanks!😁👍👍
het amanda I have a question…I recently bought reusable silicone food bags from Walmart and i put them in the dishwasher and they got all messed up…do you have a special way to wash and clean your bags?
I love Aforcli’s bags more because great value, great price ! I have been eliminating plastics from my household as I’m super concerned about the environmental impact of all the plastic we use, as well as its affect on our bodies when we cook food in the microwave, or even place them in the dishwasher. As these are silicone, they are dishwasher and microwave safe, and also can be used to store food in the freezer. I use them exclusively now and do not ever have to buy ziplock bags anymore.
Great video, Amanda.
What would you recommend for office use? I need something for carrying 4 to 6 sandwiches.
Best bags for camping / RV’g
Great video. I have the Stasher & Re-zips & love them both. I use the Stasher for fridge/freezer only & the Re-zip for fridge/carrying about. I’d never heard of the Bumpkins & look forward to getting a few of those. Lunchskins, on the other hand, are the only ones I didn’t care for. The box I received was defective & I have to tape them down the sides to use.