What are the rules to fly your drone in 2025?

What are the rules to fly your drone in 2025?

This video will explain the requirements for operating under 49 USC 44809 for recreational UAS pilots. Remember! If you fail to meet one of these requirements, you are now operating under Part 107!

If you are part 107 certified, you must choose which set of rules to operate under prior to your flight. You are not permitted to change rules halfway through your flight.

Helpful Links
FREE Stickers: https://pilotinstitute.com/free/
TRUST Test: https://trust.pilotinstitute.com/
CBO Guidelines: https://youtu.be/-G2ikCL0JLk
Recreational Flying Made Easy: https://pilotinstitute.com/course/recreational-flying-made-easy/
FAA DroneZone (Registration): https://faadronezone-access.faa.gov/#/

FAA Links
FAA Recreational Flight: https://www.faa.gov/uas/recreational_fliers/
FAA Drone Zone (for registration): https://faadronezone.faa.gov/
LAANC: https://faa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=9c2e4406710048e19806ebf6a06754ad
AC 91-57C: https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC_91-57C_FAA_Revised.pdf

00:00 Introduction
00:04 Rule 1: Fly strictly for recreational purposes.
00:49 Rule 2: Follow a Community Based Organization’s guidelines.
01:31 Rule 3: Maintain visual line of sight.
02:00 Rule 4: Do not interfere with traditional aircraft.
02:29 Rule 5: Fly at or below 400ft.
03:18 Rule 6: Get authorization in controlled airspace.
04:15 Rule 7: Take your TRUST test.
05:34 Rule 8: Register your drone.
06:27 Rule 9: Remote ID.
07:08 Rule 10: Don’t fly dangerously.
07:40 Part 107

Check out our gear list: https://www.amazon.com/shop/pilotinstitute

Free drone registration labels:

Our Other Channels
– PIXL Drone Show: drone-related podcast, posts every Tuesday morning. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbeSmbjvE0etKry8Nk2n0CQ
– Pilot Institute Airplane: our airplane channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIgBjGoM-yn_3bH8Qr9xkXA

Our courses
– Part 107 Made Easy: the most comprehensive ground school online. https://bit.ly/2AkRWq0
– Drone Business Made Easy: start your drone business with a solid foundation. https://bit.ly/3dVT55T
– Drone Flying 101: the perfect course for beginners. https://bit.ly/2XUy3Pc
– Drone Maneuvers Mastery: become a better pilot with these 50 maneuvers designed to improve your flying skills. https://bit.ly/3hkWkG3
– Cinematic FPV Drone From Scratch: build your own cinematic machine with this course. https://bit.ly/37oOfeG

Get Pilot Institute Gear: https://merch.pilotinstitute.com

Rule #1: Fly your drone strictly for recreational purposes.
This is all about the intent of the flight, with recreation being the key.
Flying to record your kids and share with the family? That’s recreational.
Flying for a monetized Youtube channel? That isn’t recreational.
Flying as a volunteer for your local Search and Rescue group? This isn’t recreational either.

Rule #2: Follow a Community Based Organization’s guidelines.
First, let’s cover what a community based organization, or CBO, is.
A CBO is a non-profit RC aviation group that sets safety guidelines approved by the Federal Aviation Administration.
You can find a list of current CBOs Here: https://www.faa.gov/uas/recreationalfliers/faa-recognized-community-based-organizations
Each CBO has a slightly different set of rules to follow and NO, you don’t need to join or pay these organizations to follow their rules.
We recommend Flite Test Community Association, FPV Freedom Coalition, and Stem+C

Rule #3: Maintain visual line of sight.
Visual line of sight means you can see your drone at all times to ensure you are able to follow the rules of your CBO.
You don’t need to stare at your drone, you do need to be sure you can avoid other aircraft and avoid flying over people.
If you fly FPV, with racing-style drones and goggles, be sure to use a visual observer to perform these duties while you fly.

Rule #7: Take your TRUST Test!
Oh no a test?
Not really, this is FREE training provided by the FAA through approved providers that covers topics you need to know to fly safely.
At the end of the training, you’ll get a TRUST certificate and number.
Your TRUST certificate is valid forever, there’s no minimum age, and the TRUST providers are required by federal law to delete your information after you get your certificate.
The training takes about a half hour, so it’s not a long course.
Head over to https://trust.pilotinstitute.com/ to get yours done!
If you’d like more info than just what’s in TRUST, head over to https://pilotinstitute.com/course/recreational-flying-made-easy/ and enroll in our free 2 hour Recreational Flying course!

Rule #9: Remote ID

Last up, there are two sets of rules you can use in the US to fly your drone: Part 107 and 49 USC 44809.
44809 is an exemption from part 107, IF you follow all the rules we just discussed.
If you fail to meet even one of these rules, you’ll be instead operating under Part 107, so be sure to follow the rules and fly safe!


  1. @PurposeBuiltSasha on February 5, 2025 at 4:30 pm

    What if you get a DJI Neo? How much of this do you actually have to do? I just wanna do recreational photography video when I go hiking some scenery stuff casual basically not bothering anybody. And what about? DJI Mini 4 pro? I thought you like register it through the app or something and then fly responsibly pretty much not doing any of the things you said. Once there’s a lengthy test or any kind of course I need to get paid that has to be a job. Otherwise I’ve done way less for considerable amount of money so I’m not doing more just so I can do something. I’m not getting paid for you know by a business maybe buying an individual but not a business not on the books of course yeah if you could check some light on that so I can immediately abort this situation like I bought an RC helicopter and didn’t have to do any of this and a few other things that fly, but they don’t have really nice cameras I like photography if you have a couple answers that would be nice. I’m pretty sure I won’t like them and you’ll save me a lot of money well a little bit of money, but I wanna get not too expensive.

  2. @darinwagner4912 on February 5, 2025 at 4:32 pm

    * Looking to get into drones and don’t know where to start. * Can someone please point me in a good direction for classes (107 exam etc…) Budget is under $8k

  3. @rickholmwood2000 on February 5, 2025 at 4:33 pm

    The more rules the safer everyone will be. People who are planning to do something dangerous cant anymore because there’s a rule to prevent their action. It’s perfect. We need more rules in our lives.

  4. @GunsNGloryShow on February 5, 2025 at 4:33 pm

    Just going to fly on my own property. I have a gate with a lock for a reason. Tried finding the trust test and the page wouldnt work.. Then they want 5$ so you tell them where you are and what you have. That’s stupid. Couldnt figure out where to register it anyways. got an rfid from amazon so there goes 40 bucks I shouldnt have spent. Too complicated.

  5. @smilingscottsman on February 5, 2025 at 4:34 pm

    I bought your course and am preparing to take my test. Major jacked up excited…. But I won’t take it unless I’m ready.

  6. @davemccrillis1470 on February 5, 2025 at 4:37 pm

    Sucks about not being able to fly in parks. Drone would be excellent in yellow stone. You could easily be respectful to the wildlife. More apt to get attacked by an eagle.

  7. @darinl848 on February 5, 2025 at 4:39 pm

    i used to fly for fun in Colorado and got harassed so many time, mostly by park rangers, I sold it. there’s not list of places to take off and land. it’s nearly impossible to find places to fly.

  8. @Ruby_Sterling on February 5, 2025 at 4:40 pm

    The U.S. government should have a rule that it doesn’t kill innocent people with drones abroad.

  9. @techwithnoel1475 on February 5, 2025 at 4:41 pm


  10. @mikedelima1219 on February 5, 2025 at 4:42 pm

    Very clear and informative. One suggestion: Can you show all the data in imperial and metric system (both)? Thanks!

  11. @smilingscottsman on February 5, 2025 at 4:43 pm

    I was told that I do NOT have to register my mini 4 pro because it’s sub 250g.

  12. @lchiaratti on February 5, 2025 at 4:44 pm

    DJI Neo os alowed to fly in US without Faa Registration?

  13. @PaulFuller-rp1rz on February 5, 2025 at 4:45 pm

    You are saying all of this, and at the moment, we are seeing big drones flying over Air Force base, so these rules are just for these little drones and beginners, not the big expensive ones costing up to 12,000 dollars, why are they not going after these that we are seeing on thr news. So if they are registered to what you’re saying, why is it a mystery, we should know who’s flying them.

  14. @GunsNGloryShow on February 5, 2025 at 4:47 pm

    Yet we can shoot uncontrolled rockets thousands of feet in the air….

  15. @mobiltec on February 5, 2025 at 4:49 pm

    Rules? LOL RULES? What about all the RULES for the drones over New Jersey? LOL RULES…. geeesh what a joke.

  16. @soularproject on February 5, 2025 at 4:49 pm

    I am about to buy the DJI 4 mini pro. I will be a recreational pilot only. If I use the plus battery, my drone will be two or 3 g over the 250 limit. What is the risk? How will anyone know that I am not using the regular battery? Will remote ID tell on me?

  17. @michaels226 on February 5, 2025 at 4:50 pm

    Concerning these rules, they are meaningless as they were put in place under Chevron. They are NOT codified in law and the moment that they are challenged on Chevron, they are done. The Loper-Bright case makes these rules absolutely meaningless.

  18. @LuisGonzalez-bh9qr on February 5, 2025 at 4:51 pm

    Hi thank you for this knowledge. As I knew this from doing real estate photography. Regarding the New Jersey drones happening now, incidents aren’t these all ways that the government and people would know they are real or illegal the FAA requirements and the flight requirements all these things that you are mentioning in this video appear to be ways that the government and local authorities would know exactly what these drones are or are not registered in our in violation what is your take on the Jersey drones compared to these rules that you are sharing with us all

  19. @josephbearup4787 on February 5, 2025 at 4:51 pm

    Rule #1 Get a SUV sized DJI from Costco and Fly over New Jersey in Hourglass Patterns then You Gotta Land it in the Ocean . U must be able to Ascend to 60,000 ft and Travel at speeds faster then Jets

  20. @robinr.2233 on February 5, 2025 at 4:51 pm

    Drones look like a bunch of fun but the restrictions are so severe and limiting that they take all the enjoyment out of it. RC aircraft have been around since the 1940’s without issue. What’s the big deal?

  21. @SlumberBear2k on February 5, 2025 at 4:53 pm

    Amazon is probably the one behind this big drone scare over new jersey. they’re probably trying to make it more and more difficult for hobbyists to operate drones.

  22. @GunsNGloryShow on February 5, 2025 at 4:53 pm

    So, when flying over 400 feet, take the rfid out of the TOY.

  23. @blue_canyon on February 5, 2025 at 4:55 pm

    Are the "Selfie" drones like the DJI Neo and Hover X1 still prohibited in national parks?

  24. @TheYardCast on February 5, 2025 at 4:58 pm

    Glad I’m in Canada.

  25. @stevemcinteer273 on February 5, 2025 at 5:00 pm

    OK, that’s it. 😮 i will explain in the next day or two, on here.

  26. @ks8452 on February 5, 2025 at 5:00 pm

    Thanks for the info on TRUST. We have a few acres and I just want to fly on my own property. When I initially started looking into getting certificated I thought it was going to be a big hassle with fees, test taking and bowing at the alter of the FAA for their blessing. I’m happy to find out that wasn’t the case.

  27. @yongtaekyi5321 on February 5, 2025 at 5:02 pm

    I have a FAA certification for recreational .
    My drone has been broke .
    Dji send me brand new aircraft do I need ( serial number is different ) another certification trust test ?
    Please let me know .
    Thank you .

  28. @ConstitutionalFreedom on February 5, 2025 at 5:02 pm

    Homeowners, File a NOTAM at your local airport to restrict the flight of aircraft over your property. This is giving proper notice that any airspace below Air Traffic Controlled space may have obsiticals seen or unseen. Other reasons would be restrictions, due to farming and free range animals such as chickens and predator prevention measures put in place.

  29. @KaptenInsano on February 5, 2025 at 5:03 pm

    Just used your link to take the trust test. Thank you. Soon as my drone gets here ill get it registered and start zipping around.

  30. @Standard636 on February 5, 2025 at 5:05 pm

    if i ever get a drone i will not be doing any of this. government likes to inch there way into things little by little until you have no degree of freedom.
    they will keep adding to the rules until it is so complicated you will need lawyers to interpret. <– my prediction

  31. @norasingh7851 on February 5, 2025 at 5:05 pm

    Drones fly over the houses every night on the reservation, how to stop it ?

  32. @serendipitysf on February 5, 2025 at 5:06 pm

    Children can fly planes but not drones that weigh over 0.5lbs💀

  33. @Balancinglife on February 5, 2025 at 5:07 pm

    Ahhh the stickers

  34. @tobefischer4647 on February 5, 2025 at 5:07 pm

    Can someone please explain this to me so it makes sense:

    They will allow us to fly a drone under 250 grams for fun with absolutely ZERO flying experience, but if we have an opportunity to make $ they have to dip their hands in by making us claim it as “Commercial”, register it, get Remote ID, and take “extra training” (Part 107) for a fee?
    Do photographers (non-drone) have to register their cameras with the Federal Camera Administration if they aren’t putting every picture they take in the family photo album?
    I am completely in favor of requiring extra training for bigger drones for liability purposes but I find it ludicrous that I’d have to comply with all these extra “rules” simply because my mini drone has a camera. I can’t even check my gutters with my drone without a Part 107 certificate because that’s considered “Commercial”…give me a break. I would love to be in one of the meetings when they come up with these to try to explain Common Sense 101 to them.

    Having a camera on a drone has nothing to do with your ability to fly it. That’s all they should be concerned about. Not what you’re doing with the footage.

  35. @Theskyisgreen436 on February 5, 2025 at 5:08 pm

    So, pretty much, there is no point in owning a drone. These lame laws, talk about controlling the people.
    The FFA and lawmaker better start citing aliens for flying their space craft.

  36. @SpokeInNoise on February 5, 2025 at 5:10 pm

    Fuck the government. They have gone too far on everything and nobody at the top ever pays do their crime. Time to take back our freedoms and ignore the rules whenever possible

  37. @JackalKing223 on February 5, 2025 at 5:11 pm

    il just what I want.

  38. @NO_LINK2024 on February 5, 2025 at 5:11 pm

    Why are people and the media freaking out about people flying their Drones.

  39. @DanzRdy on February 5, 2025 at 5:13 pm

    Ask the military if the squadron of drones flying over NJ at night are recreational. Flight paths into Morristown and Newark have been altered to allow them to fly them for hours at a time in this busy area. What are they up to?

  40. @User_92020 on February 5, 2025 at 5:15 pm

    No more geo fencing

  41. @HobbyMoose79 on February 5, 2025 at 5:15 pm

    Check with your local city laws. We can’t fly because we’re near and airport. So check with your city laws. Towns, cities, states ect. Simple.

  42. @CONFUCIUS-f2x on February 5, 2025 at 5:15 pm

    Remember the wild west days of drones by 2013 ???? Yuneec, Blade 350qxe and others. No rules, no regulations, nothing .

  43. @Mindtap2010 on February 5, 2025 at 5:18 pm

    As long as they’re suv size and go into the ocean after or outer space you don’t need a license

  44. @JohnDillon-zh7js on February 5, 2025 at 5:19 pm

    Rules it’s called common sense.

  45. @billcarr6289 on February 5, 2025 at 5:19 pm

    How close can I legally approach private property

  46. @GunsNGloryShow on February 5, 2025 at 5:22 pm

    fpv = within sight

  47. @ronh3629 on February 5, 2025 at 5:25 pm

    Apparently these rules are not being followed in New Jersey

  48. @yongtaekyi5321 on February 5, 2025 at 5:25 pm

    I could not enter the register .
    The registration cost close to 100 dollars they are asking ?

  49. @Josell1028 on February 5, 2025 at 5:25 pm

    There are no rules anymore apparently. There’s hundreds everywhere and fbi can’t figure it out so I’m sure we’re fine the faa is useless

  50. @airgavvy on February 5, 2025 at 5:27 pm

    Get a sub 250, tag a friend along and check if the location is safe to fly on the app.

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