In Focus: Bear Proof Containers
In Focus: Bear Proof Containers
One of the most important safety precautions you take while adventuring is bear proofing! In this In Focus video, ACK’s Steve Messana talks about the differences between Bear Proof Containers and also demonstrates how to properly open them, which is harder than you might think (if you’re a bear, good luck!).
Products feature in this video:
Bear Vault BV450:
Bear Vault BV500:
Backpacker’s Cache Bear-Resistant Food Container:
Backpacker’s Cache Bear Cache Carrying Case:
You don’t do a lot of prep for your videos do you?
great video
how would this work as a cache? could be durable enough for long term underground storage? thanks
I like the clear BV’s, but not approved for NY Adirondacks Eastern High Peaks as some bears can defeat them.
thank you for your viewpoint
(Concerned about weight)
Glad you liked the video!
Nice share! Very nice detail – Thank you! BTW, a simple index card in a sealed sandwich bag with the vault’s contents listed from bottom to top makes it easy to access desired item(s). These vaults also teach you to be very efficient in how you pack your canister. The items for the last day go in first (rest on the bottom) and so on until food items for the first day are put in last near the very top. Toothpaste, deodorant, chap stick, and other scented, every-day-use items reside at the very top for instant, access. A small bag for said items is ideal for their access, and it keeps them from slipping down deeper into the canister.
Are there smaller ones available?