Biodegradable soap for camping #wintercamping
Biodegradable soap for camping #wintercamping
Camping hygiene routine ⤵️
🧼 Biodegradable soap that won’t spill in your bag. Works as hand, body or dishes wash. But leave no trace which means clean up 200ft away from water sources. Washing your hands while camping in underrated lol
🧴 Travel size micellar water and reusable cotton rounds – I have sensitive skin and will breakout if I just use face wipes.
🧻 Baby wipes or face wipes. I bring a separate trash baggie to pack them out
What’s your go to hygiene tip?
Magnesium flakes in water work so good, I’m not using deodorant any longer and there’s no smell, AT ALL.
Okay so this is finally where I’m gonna go off path a bit from ya! I keep asmuch dirt and sap and whatever else on my face and body while I’m out in the bush, I’ve found it’s just much better for bugs that bite and I find it keeps me warmer as weird as it sounds, and cooler in the sun. But I’m a hunt/fish guide usually when I’m on the couple month or few week long trips to the lake belts. Haha watching ya do this video I was like welp I feel like a dirty bird now hahah.
From: the creep 😜 according to Gary. And Gary I’d you read this, your comment cut me deep man. I was just being nice.
Not well versed in outdoorsy stuff, so I’m curious: why can’t you use deodorant?
I get confused with you people. So you won’t wear deodorant to hide from bears because it’s winter and no bugs but you will cook and eat food while backpacking? With that mindset why not eat dry foods also. I don’t understand how one is better than the other. Do neither then. At that point don’t even light a fire because that attracts bears. The risk assessment isn’t right here.
These comments fasinate me 😂 you go girl, feeling fresh can have a litteral impact on your mood, not to mention being rewarded with acne for not washing your face after sweating in sunscreen ? No thanks 👏
I can confirm that baby wipes are a must. They were our "field shower" while in the military.
I use baby wipes before going into my sleeping bag. Idk why but I feel a lot warmer when I do but I think that is mainly placebo. Also helps lessen chafing, underboob discomfort and also big mood booster. Not to forget – cleans out all the micro cuts I may not go out of my way to disinfect.
I don’t get all the people here getting hung up on the no deodorant thing. Deodorant is for other people, mainly. Like yeah it makes one feel better but who cares when the next person is potentially a days walk away and you’re uncomfortable anyway.
No deodorant? how do you keep your snatch clean. Feel sorry for any dudes that travel with you. NOT WORTH IT.
But what about period products? Please, can you do a video/short about menstruation and period product suring your trip, like what should you do, what products can you use and what about waste (can you just throw it away or should you keep it safely with you until you finished)?
No deodorant is wild
Why no deodorant?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Why no deodorant?
You can use a bit of baking soda and water as a deodorant. It’s odourless, kills the bacteria that makes your armpits smell, and you can carry a small amount in a small plastic bag (:
Just mix a little bit of water with the baking soda, then rub the paste on your armpits in the morning. It’s a natural solution than won’t introduce any chemicals in the environment (specially if you go in the water) and it will even clear any armpit skin stains you might have! It’s a win-win all around.
Im in aus and no pong anti-odorant is a really good option – its scent free with both vegan and non vegan options and I’ve been using it for the last 2 months. It comes in a little aluminium tin too so it’s perfect and lightweight
Carrying skin care products while camping 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Social media has given people the false pretenses that everybody cares about what they do and every waking moment of their life very weird, and sad
Nice I am going to buy garnier 😂
I stopped using deodorant in my early 20’s I’m in my early 30’s now and won’t ever use it again. The only time I stink is when I use soap under my arms, and that’s very rarely. I use a homemade sugar scrub and sometimes do my whole body before a shave and like to wash off with soap after.
The boys and I went on a weekend camping trip a few months ago and damn did they tease the hell outta me for bringing micellar water 😆 Like bro I ain’t tryna invite acne, thank you. They weren’t laughing on the last day when they asked to use it though, feeling all oily and gross. 😂
Micellar water is everything ❤
I would die without antiperspirant
The civilized world was built on the back of deodorant and antiperspirant. Don’t skip it.
meh I bathe in the river.
MiCellar water over deodorant is crazy
Sunblock is important otherwise you’ll be looking like a dried raisin sooner rather than later .
Look, at backwater people are hygiene deficient. They are not called dirt bags for nothing. Normal people, assume they stink and stay upwind.
Would deodorant really weigh anything? You could get a Stick deodorant remove it from its packaging and just put it in a tiny plastic bag I can’t believe it would weigh much more than a half ounce
A lot of people use menstrual cups when camping, but I have an irrational fear of not feeling clean after emptying blood somewhere and using just water to rinse.
I’d love to know techniques like that or a “things I hate doing” short, like having to pee when you finally get warm or something.
You could probably put the micellar water into a smaller travel container, or keep an empty and pout in just what you will use for that specific trip. You might also try Lume non-scented cream deodorant in the travel size just for physical comfort in warmer weather
Do u use micellar water in high altitudes as well??
Wow. Smelly hippie campers. 70s flashback 😂
I simply don’t shower until I can strike fear into every bear within 100 miles by smell alone
This is hilarious. Women do the strangest things. You are camping! Why do you need soap or face cleanser. Most of the world doesn’t use face cleanser day to day yet you need it when living in the wild
camp suds, which you can use in drag water source without hurting nature.
So for those uses
Camp suds
Camp suds
Camp suds
Camp suds
And of course
Camp suds
When I’m travelling for couple of days, I put make up removal liquid on the cotton pads and bring the pads in a small grip bag. Saves the extra weight and possible leaking from the bottle. I need only 2-3 pads per day, so the overall amount to carry is almost nothing, compared to the bottle.
I use a salt mineral spray as deodorant
Just water and salt 🧂 😌 no odor here
How do you dispose of the used baby wipes?
What is the name of that mountain in the back ground?
also, I did van life for a year and LUME is soooo worth it
Idk why you guys give so many weird solutions to deodorant, if you go to literally any store there are travel-sized deodorants that are compact and last for a week.
What about a crystal deodarant?
Excellent, thank you very much for sharing. Could you maybe make a video about your bathroom routine while camping?
Alum blocks