DIY – Camping / Survival Compass Kit – 7 Items You Need – For Wilderness Navigation
DIY – Camping / Survival Compass Kit – 7 Items You Need – For Wilderness Navigation
DIY Kit INSIDE! Discover 7 BEST Compass / Survival Kit GEAR Items for Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Backpacking, Adventures, Bug Out Bags and Emergency Use. You May NEVER Get LOST again. Enjoy!
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GEAR SHOWN in Video…
Navigation Cards:
Fine Point Permanent Pen:
Grid Note Cards:
Neck Lanyard (to Hold Your Kit):
Break-Away Necklace Clasps:
Topo Map Books:
Zip Lock Bags:
Waterproof Map Holder:
Great Compass and Land Nav Book:
LINKS to Craig’s Land Navigation Videos:
Before You RELY on You Compass App – Watch THIS:
Compass 101 – Terms You NEED to Know:
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can you design a cheep knife like 50 dollar
Can you do a full EDC collection video I’d love to see all the gear you have!
Awesome tools. They can go a long way to helping you find your way or use em to prove the earth is flat. Thanks. Now I have two new tools with dual purpose!
Military compass is far superior. And learning US Army Special Forces land nav is way better than the civilian stuff.
If you learn that you will be way better off.
another good and semi inexpensive resource that I found helpful was my old Boy SCOUTS of America handbook. You can usually find em at yard/rummage/estate sales for super duper cheap and I recommend the older books (1970s and older) the older the better; mainly due to the lack of electronic technology back then and more detailed reading/instructions because people actually READ books back then too. lol, just my 2 cents. great video.
why go Camping n suffer? stay in the comfort of home is better.
Thank you
Was I the only one that ducked with the thunder crack at the beginning of the intro, or am I just using really good headphones?
love your vids
What’s the music
do a video on a cudeman knife
Why don’t you just give us your location and we’ll come there when it’s the aprocolypse instead of buying these
where in PA are u located im outside of scranton
Good advice, I have been needing to upgrade my compass, thank you David.
Where’s my knife!……jk. Can’t wait to get it….. 🙂
Great stuff David. I’ve been thinking of refreshing my land nav skills then here you go doing a very informative video…I’m thinking that’s a sign or something. Cool I’m going to get a kit together and get on it, thanks David.
Great! Thanks for adding all the links.
how much does it all cost together
Thank you I will put this when I will hike. But the title is wrong it is DIY not DYI just a tip 🙂
Pro, just looked through half dozen channels, and in 2 minutes it was obvious you stand out. thank you for the advice and leads
My compass from Silva was bought in 1987 and still works perfectly. A camping investment of the first order.
Good advice, and a good book too! Far too many people think that because they have a GPS they can’t ever get lost. WRONG! Map & compass skills are very important for anyone who travels into the backcountry, but I do recommend a better compass than just a simple base plate model. Models with sighting mirrors like the Suunto MC-2, Suunto MC-2G and the K&R Alpin are all excellent choices. I carry the K&R Alpin myself, but I’ve used the MC-2 quite a bit as well. They both work very well, but I also keep a simple base plate compass as a backup just in case. You can also use the mirror for signalling if you find out the hard way that your skills aren’t quite as good as you thought!
Also I’m a big proponent of always having two compasses, not only for the obvious reason of having a backup should your primary compass become lost or damaged, but because when people get lost, especially if they consider themselves to be ‘experienced’, one of the first things they tend to do is blame the compass. "I’m lost, therefore my compass must be broken. Because it can’t be my fault. I’m an experienced outdoorsman, and there’s no way that I would get lost!" It’s pretty ridiculous, but it happens all the time. Having a 2nd compass helps to prevent it. When both of them are pointing in the same direction it’s a pretty sure bet that they’re right, and your compass ain’t the problem!
Another option for the ESEE navigation cards is ESEE’s Rite-in-the-Rain Survival & Navigation Notebook. It has all the cards built in; plus you get a waterproof notebook for taking notes or drawing quick maps to help you find certain resources once they’ve been located. Pair it up with a Rite-in-the Rain pen (or a pencil), and you’re good to go. I’ve been using one for quite some time now. Very handy!
Great video! I love the pacing and steps you arranged, will this kind of video be an ongoing series featuring different topics?
Awesome commercial Thanks!
david i am a new person to emergency prepardness and i was wondering for a 72 hour kit would you take the condor 3 day assalt pack or tje elberlystock j79 skycrane 2 pack it would really help me if i could get an answer to this qweshon
Thanks for posting this. There are some great ideas here. 😀
looks like a great navigation kit cool stuff
Hey David can you do a review of the okc blackbird sk5
I’ve always wondered how it would go if the power went down for a month or so. There’d be a lot of yuppies who would lay down and die without their phones. Lol.
Hey David how do you keep rust off of your knifes
You know, even the US Navy is starting to teach celestial navigation again for the first time since 2006 after concluding that GPS and other electronic navigational systems are vulnerable to sabotage. Not sure if I subscribe to that kind of dire EMP/all out attack emergency scenario, but add that possibility to the list of solid reasons you give for why some basic land navigation skills and the tools to use them are important for dealing with a survival or disaster situation. Plus, understanding basic concepts in topography and navigation will help anyone better make sense of the positional information that modern technology provides to us.
I got the book always relied on the etrex 30 always carry extra batteries got the brunton tru arc 3 and the 9077 compasses learning about reading maps just have a relief maps for now and a couple of utm’s for the scales of maps it’s not a bad read watch some of the videos on map and compasses notice the brown spots or stains on the rocks they can’t identify iron oxide (rust) and they place the map and compass right over the spot or real close to it and I’m a beginner thank you for the video and what to get
Want a cheaper option?
A high end compass
A map
a peice of paper
A pencil
A ruler
Nice Video