5 SIMPLE Tips to Shoot AWESOME Timelapse Photography
5 SIMPLE Tips to Shoot AWESOME Timelapse Photography
Here are a few of my favorite tricks and tips to help you shoot better Timelapse Photography!
For tutorials, one on one processing and group workshops, check out my site!
Soundtrack provided by Music Bed, Free trial via the link.
LR Timelapse: https://lrtimelapse.com/
6 Stop Filters:
10 Stop Fliters:
Basic Intervalometer (Make sure to get the right one for your camera!!!): https://amzn.to/2Z6KCJL
Main Camera: https://amzn.to/2JFRfcV
My Most Used Wide Lens:https://amzn.to/2Ysv0LG
Super Wide Lens: https://amzn.to/2LLy2cn
Bokeh and Video Lens: https://amzn.to/2JGxBNR
Main Telephoto Lens: https://amzn.to/2vYJYge
Travel Camera Bag: https://amzn.to/2YRJtRD
Audio Mic: https://amzn.to/2EcPXm2
#timelapse #tutorial
Can you make passive income with time laps contents?
Tips for Timelapse of flowers? Seedlings to flowers is the goal
For Peter McKinnon’s Timelapse tips say always shoot in JPEG.
What??? Did I hear you say ur name is?
very good thank you dear
For time lapses where you want to capture a sunrise or sunset a good camera that can help you fix exposure while you shoot is the Lumix lx100
Great stuff but light years beyond my comprehension………. I am very intimidated by computer and don’t know anything about editing programs. I miss my Kodachrome days very much.
Thank you MIchael
But you are so good at them
Thx man!
Thanks for this vid! One question – how is time lapse when it comes to battery life?
Muito boas suas dicas, principalmente na transição Dia & Noite, abraço.
great stuff. Thank you!
yooo thank you for this video. You explained how to make time lapses the best out of anyone I tried to watch.
I see your video and very amazing
"Practice, practice, practice."
Thank you for the wonderful tips! 🙂👍
Hi Michael, I enjoyed your video, Can tell me, how can I do evolotion of plant growing, how can I do time lapse ?
https://youtu.be/YynJMCuc06c?t=380 – This is my workplace… I was probably looking out the window at that time and cribbing about this missed opportunity 🙁 🙁
My Panasonic camera is so crappy, there is no input for an intervalometer. I plan to sell the piece of s*** and buy a real camera sometime in 2021.
Tomorrow I have a time-lapse schedule, let’s see how much I can implement.
Thank you for the tip about the Autofocus Off
Actually thank you for all tips! ❤️
Thank you ,grrat
oooh postroll!
Can you do a time lapse without a computer?
Very useful tips 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🤓✌🏽👌🏽📷🇲🇾
I’ve watched this several times. Extremely valuable info here. Thank you very much.
Thanks for all the heads up information, great knowledge!
00:00 Intro
00:27 0: Intervalometer
01:24 1: Know your intervals
02:39 2: Shoot RAW
03:11 3: Shoot longer exposures
04:40 4: Mostly manual
05:48 5: Turn off autofocus
06:00 6: Practice, practice, practice
07:09 Outtakes
thanks for posting this video. Being a newbie I am trying to learn as much as I can.One question I do have is: Should I lock the mirror in the up position? I have heard it goes to reducing shake in the camera a little bit. Thanks
At 2.20 minutes of your video u talk of a 20-30sec interval when shooting the milky way. I take the meaning of interval to be the time taken between each exposure so are u saying i should take an exposure of say 15-20 secs then have an interval of 20-30secs between each exposure
Michael you blamed Aperture Priority for flicker when shooting a day to night when it is actually the lens setting causing the problem. Flicker is caused by inconsistencies in the aperture opening and closing anything above the lenses lowest aperture setting. Either use a manual lens or setting the lens to the desired f stop then unlocking the lens. You sir should have learned that in the timelapse masterclass you spoke of.
Solid tips.. I used 1 min for a snowstorm wish I did 1 sec but still came out great. Looking for snow and sky exposure tips now
Came here to basicly hear that its best to shoot in Manual after waiting 2 hours with Aperture priority where the exposure suddenly changed a lot during the sequence ^^
Shooting a time lapse of my soybeans and popcorn crop over 5.5 months. Is 4-6 photos a day enough?
Hi friend goodluck 🤝🇲🇨
that was a solid video man I really apreciate you sharing your wisdom on this
Thank you!
Hi Michael, I’ve been trying out some timelapse trying to use the intervalometer on my Nikon d850 but both times I’ve put it onto auto ISO for changing light going from sunset to night but auto iso hasn’t worked ☹️ what am I doing wrong? Would really appreciate some help 😊
Hi Michael, do you ever use a slider? If so any affordable recommendations?
So helpful!!
That train time-laps is sick!
Nice tutorial, Michael. TY!
Oh man wonderful work
Thank-you from Germany
I have a old Camera 📸
Revue reflex.. But no comparison.. 😅
Meaningful and informative teaching
What about using auto ISO for day/night shots?
This was helpful. thank you!
Superb information. Thank you very much.
Bonus Tip: Smoke weed to kill time!
Great tips