Your First Aid Kit SUCKS // This One is Better
Your First Aid Kit SUCKS // This One is Better
First Aid Kit Pouch:
Ziplock Snack Bags:
Label Maker:
Electrolyte Pills:
Caffeine Pills:
Mini Bags:
— FIRE —
Fire Starter:
Swiss Army Classic:
Ferro Rod:
Disinfectant wipe
Sterile Pad
Nylon Patches:
DCF Patches:
Sewing Kit
— Other Items —
CPR Mask:
Athletic Tape:
Medical Gloves:
This is my first aid kit that I bring on all my backcountry adventures, including backpacking and hiking. I’m not a medical professional and I highly recommend taking a first aid course so you know how to use these items.
Garmin InReach Mini:
Decathlon Down Jacket –
REI Flash 55 Pack:
Enlightened Equipment Enigma Quilt:
Garmin Fenix Watch:
Lanshan 1 Pro Tent:
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How dare you insult my first aid kit, and why am I still watching this?
My dad when we were elk hunting broke his fibula and a couple tendons. I would really recommend having poles with you if you are hunting or hiking steep country.
Caution do not wash cuts with regular water use salien
2 things I have to say and I’m FAR from an expert. Tourniquet! It’s foolish to not have one. Second is your recommendation for caffeine pills to help stay awake while driving is foolish also. It’s completely not worth risking your life or someone else’s to try and stay awake. Stop and take a nap instead.
Up-vote just for having Immodium.
Amazing how many "experts" don’t have that critical resource.
I would rate having an anti-diarrheal above fire-starters or shelter in many environments. (Haiti, Africa, Most of Asia, the Oregon Trail)
Dane Isle
NOTE: I mentioned baby aspirin but the aspirin I carry is actually regular strength (325mg). Baby aspirin is sometimes used as a preventative treatment for some people.
I also highly recommend taking a first aid course.
Bro that ferro rod is booty cheeks spend 10 bucls and get a real one the weight is justified trust me
Toothpick ferrorod is brilliant!!
Cool kit. You are missing some cream for Burns! Camping and Bushcrafting you will have a fire going, you will take stuff from the fire and it’s a high risk to burn yourself!
i hate this video.
Only a complete clown or narcissist would come on here and tell everyone their first aid pouch sucks & his is the best.
it’s not a first aid kit, it’s a tool box – don’t clutter up your first aid kits
Last I checked, 4 baby asprin is the recommended dose for a heat attack and it’s best to chew them to get them in your system fast. Feel free to double check me on that. I only saw two in your bag.
Electrolytes gaved my heart palpitation, soo I think I will skip that
That’s a survival kit, not a first-aid kit. Change the title, friend.
We teach survival skills, and don’t recommend that you put survival and first aid, together. An emergency survival kit needs to be separate and kept on your body. Secondly, include a small lighter – always have two ways to light fire; You also need a signal mirror, some kind of emergency shelter like a SOL XL blanket; water treatment tabs and a whislte;
Try wrapping about 3 metres of that tape around an old store card – you don’t need to carry an entire roll – it’s heavy. You won’t need any more than 3 metres in one trip 🙂
Briana Lodge
Thank you for putting this together.
I cannot stress enough, buy the non-stick woven pads. Regular woven pads will heal into a wound quickly, causing a lot of pain and damage when properly addressing the wound.
To be clear, epipens give you enough time for Benadryl to work, not the other way around.
Nice! After recently getting trained in first aid, I’d definitely recommend also bringing a tourniquet (or two) and hemostatic dressings — both help stop life-threatening bleeding.
A caffeine pill and an aspirin is a great help for migraines.
I also recommend that you include a small container of Betadine as a highly effective and versatile antiseptic.
Meta Ridges
You look like you would be a summer camp councillor, like one with 10-15 year olds specifically. I don’t know if this sounds like a compliment or not, but It’s supposed to be
why use the word baggie as an adult…or child even…its a bag
Haha awesome little kit my man! Little ferro rod is so awesome😂
know camp pain
As a Physician and former combat medic The materials for immobilizing a break cloth for a sling
My drug bag smells like a skunk. I need to re-think my kit.
I have that same dyneema pouch!
Harris Valley
I’m 58, live in Brazil, and have just started backpacking. Thank you so much for your talk! It inspired me to continue practicing and exploring new trails! I was afraid I was too old and actually a little bit discouraged.
Can you please talk a little faster. I almost understood everything you said.
You shouldnt mix survival items with first aid items. You should have a seperate kit for survival items like fire starters.
Do NOT take in Aspirin if you suspect a heart attack!!!
Sure it helps IF you have an actual heart attack. But the symptoms of a heart attack can mean a few other things where aspirin could be harmful. For example an aortic dissection (a cut in the wall of your aorta) or a esophageal disrupture (a cut in your esophagus).
These things have similar symptoms. Only with an ekg could you definitively say whether it’s a heart attack or not.
Also Aspirin takes half an hour to work.
Instead, rest in a position that unburdens your heart (sitting and laid back a bit) and call the emergency number. If you are in the outback, maybe a helicopter comes that has an ekg and can give Aspirin directly in the bloodstream which is much more controlled and quicker.
One sterile pad is totally insufficient. Replacement pads are essential to protect damaged areas. I prefer the non-sticking to wound variety.
CPR is now compression only. Ditch the mouth guard thing.
First aid kit
nope, mine doesnt suck and your one is not better hahaha. good video tho
People. KEEP A TOURNIQUET WITH YOU. Some of the most common ways people die in the woods are lack of warmth, lack of water, and blood loss. COVER THESE BASES AT ALL COSTS. If your first aid kit doesn’t include at least two tourniquets, it is incomplete.
Meds have expiration date. I would write it onto package too.
For all the medicines, would suggest adding expiration date and dosage on label.
thanks for this video! i won’t be hiking, but i’ll be walking a lot with some family members who aren’t in the best shape, so i want to be prepared.
Revisiting this 3 years later, best first aid video I know. Do you still have all the same items in your FAK or have you changed anything?
Prosacco Rest
what the heck
Kautzer Cliffs
If you have to perform CPR on trail. They most likely are toast…