Hiking Gear I Wish I Didn't Buy (& What I Wish I Got Instead) PT. 2: GARMIN GPS 66i VS. INREACH MINI
Hiking Gear I Wish I Didn't Buy (& What I Wish I Got Instead) PT. 2: GARMIN GPS 66i VS. INREACH MINI
Garmin GPSMAP 66i vs. the Garmin inReach Mini 2 👉 Can you believe that these two devices have most of the same capabilities?
Find the links to the devices I mentioned in this video below!
The GPSMAP 66i has been a loyal companion of mine for years now, but it feels big and clunky on majority of my adventures. On certain trips where weight was a concern, such as long solo backpacking treks, I often considered leaving it at home because let’s be real, it’s like carrying a brick. Depending on how tech savvy you are, there also may be a bit of a learning curve on the user interface for this device, too.
I’m not saying this device isn’t for everyone; some scenarios I might rather bring along the 66i are:
🚙 Road trips
🥾 Hikes in new areas, especially if you’re out of service
🗺️ Standalone GPS navigation
Enter the inReach Mini 2. The Mini is far more compact; you can notice their difference in size immediately, not to mention it’s less than half the weight, so it’s perfect for when every ounce in your backpack counts.
Another note: these devices do require a paid subscription for them to work.
This device is an investment in your life (whichever is the better choice for you); @garmin has saved many lives and I have a feeling with more people out on the trails than ever, that will continue for years to come.
🥾Pro Tip: Remember that your phone is not a reliable backcountry tool, nor is a GPS device a magical map. Always carry a physical map and compass with you – and know how to use them!
Would a gadget like this give you peace of mind on your adventures? Drop your thoughts in the comments!
Garmin GPSMAP 67i (updated version; same price): https://alnk.to/aLHFULJ
Garmin inReach Mini 2: https://alnk.to/8PDl7NQ
Let me know if you have any questions and what you want to see in this series next!
*Please note the above links are paid affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission off of your purchase, at no additional cost to you* Thank you SO much for your support in advance if you happen to use my links! This helps me create additional content like this for you.
Wishing you happy trails 🙂
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Two good devices. I opted for the 67i, which has 160 hours of battery life, although, I’ve never gone that long to test it. As an addition to traditional map-reading, the 67i is brilliant at warning when you’re going the wrong way, a lifesaver at times. Can’t wait to see more videos.
sounds great
but does anyone know how much the subscription is?????
Do smartphone work the same?
Two uncomperable devices, sorry
Excellent video. I did purchase a Mini 2, but struggled with the decision for a couple of months because I had no idea what to purchase. I too, looked at the 66i but eventually passed when I learned the Mini 2 could do more than the 66i. More so it was learning with the mini-2, you use your phone and Garmin explore to see maps.
I use a GPS (GPSMAP 67) for its numerous other functions than giving fixes and pixelated tracks, and the battery life is very decent, compared to smartphones. So, that is already here. The 67i or the mini have satellite communication with the rescue button. I am an average working person, and by no way frequently out in the wild, vacation disregarded. But when, I would rent an Inmarsat satellite phone, at about 100 $ per month or 4 $ per day. The mini costs once about 290 $ plus the abo, which can cost another 20 $ or 70 $ per month for the full functionality. In case of emergency, when I am in a distress or even wounded, this would be much easier to handle than the 67i or the mini or any similar device to SMS something to somebody without pairing the phone, and so on. And the barrier to initiate that costly rescue chain is none, because one can talk to friends, relatives, or whoever, and the Inmarsat phones of course also have that SOS function. That satellite rescue thing with preprogrammed "I am fine"-SMSses will IMHO be not very interesting, as the smartphone vendors still integrate Inmarsat in their devices.
Got the 67i as it’s so much easier to use and has way more features. It’s also faster and more reliable.
I used the mini 2 a few times for work, but opted for the 67i and I’m SO GLAD i did.
I think it should be possible to do a 1:30 minutes video without any cuts/editings. It’s SO disturbing
From what I understand, the 67i has waaaay better battery life. It also has a much more accurate signal. Would those upgrades/improvements be enough for you to consider the 67i over the Mini 2? Or are you still happier with the Mini 2 even still?
Thank you!
you get the battery operated one. so you can replace the battery and go home if you run out of power your screwed. you can turn the gps off to save battery. or power save mode. not saying anything bad just look at a etrex. just saying.
I’d highly recommend throwing away one of your earbuds, won’t need it for this vid 👌
Better solution to alltrails and my pixel 7 phone that been using for map. Like today when the trail was snowed in I had to use my Pixel 7 and alltrails to guide me through Snowden parts
What a load of rubbish .. Two different devices… You can’t look at a map or navigate on an in reach it’s just an emergency tool…..what a silly video
Great video. I have been wanting one of those. Well done. New follower here. Crow✌️
Blimey….that was ..erm pacey…brisk….devils dandruff tempo
Mini has NO Maps!
The larger one has so many more uses. I have mine on my bike all the time and hikes! Plot the route and follow it on a map!
Professional hiker with 2k subscribers 🙂
No audio on right speaker.
Something a lot of people dont think about with these is that after you hit the SOS, you really need an effective way to communicate with rescue. With the 66/67 you can do this on device, but with the mini you really need a phone to type with (lets be real, the on device typing is horribly slow). Often a rescue will go through multiple groups (garmin, 911, medical professionals, forest service, coast guard…etc.) and each group needs specific information from you in real time to be the most effective. If your phone dies, effective rescue (including self rescue using its navigation) is massively reduced on the mini.
I bought one of the first inReach devices and still have it working and it saved my live near Kanchenjunga BC . Next to it I now use it during solo trips into Africa to let my family know where I am and safe and feedback If my parents or anyone else wants me to return home. … ! It was worth any penny. .