How To Photograph Waterfalls – A Beginners photography tutorial to creating the blurry water effect
How To Photograph Waterfalls – A Beginners photography tutorial to creating the blurry water effect
Learn how to take amazing waterfall photos with this easy to follow beginners photography tutorial. We also show you how to take really cool waterfall photos with your iPhone – if you love photography then please subscribe – new videos every week.
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About this video :
In this video we show you how to take creative photos of waterfalls using the camera in the manual mode. Includes gear advice, camera settings, example images and more.
#photography #waterfallphotography #photographytips #nikonz6
I am really enjoying your videos. Got my DSLR out yesterday and blew the dust of, not used it for years, so went through some of your amazing videos 🙂
Biggest problem in India I can’t find the place where I can get the pro nd filters only circular filters ar available which causes X effect in the picture
We should just have had low ISO on modern cameras. Less need for ND filters. Film cameras of the 80s often goes to 6 or 12 ISO.
love this video . you re my new teacher ,thank you !
I just started watching your video so I can learn more about my camera. I love taking landscape pictures wildlife waterfalls I enter a lot of contest at the county fairs and I do quite well I’ve been learning a lot more since I started watching your videos thank you so much much appreciated
Great video!!! Aloha 🤙🏿
I’m going on holiday next month,and I have just bought a Canon DSLR camera (first timer). Just thought I’d let you know that you’ll be joining me at Gran Canaria, giving me tips and hints 😁
Do you use manual focus? I’ve seen a number of opinions on this. Manual so you get the full focus
A little late getting this video out as it required a lot of extra editing but I think it was worth it, I hope you feel the same and enjoy it 🙂.
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Paul @ Photo Genius.
Hello from England, I have been enjoying photography for many years, being well over 70 years of age, I have picked up many more enjoyable ways to improve. I own a Nikon macro prime lens, and through your videos have improved immensely, especially macro, and understanding my Nikon Camera. You are one of the best, thank you. Margaret Churchill
Is it trial and error regarding the exposure time with the polarizer or can you rely on camera meter with filter on to get correct exposure. I always thought polarizer was uniform throughout and didn’t matter if twisted filter or not? Kinda same questions regarding graduated ND. Do you use camera meter with graduated ND filter or again is it trial or error with exposure time? Finally would you ever use a polarizer and graduated ND filter together for waterfall photography? Thank you, sorry for all of the questions.
Hello. What is the way around getting blurry pic during the day time? If using higher shutter speed, the image will be too exposed or bright.
Thank you. I was out in the Rockie Mountains Colorado trying to slow my shutter speed down at ISO 100 at around f11 all the way to f22 just to see what was happening. Still crazy over exposed. Then I remembered you talking about the filters. Thanks again for explaining the set up in a step by step tutorial. Makes all the difference in the world. A lot of other tutorials jump all over the place and leave you more lost than when you started. Thanks again. Following.
Paul your tutorials are excellent for the beginner, like me. Easy to follow and understand and a thorough explanation of all the techniques needed to take great photos. Plus I can return at any time to view and remind myself if I forget anything.
Nice, thank you!
Thank you for your wonderful reachings. I do not find hidden menue on my iphone 13 . Does it exist ?
I do photography in my late father’s honor, he was a pro photographer. This video is a big help. ❤
As a long time waterfall photographer myself, I was going through YouTube and came across this video. Great job on explaining the mechanics of waterfall photography!
I am new to photography for a few months now and so far I have been learning a lot about photography from watching you. All I know is I just need to watch you for what I need to learn and you will have everything and well explained. And won’t have to be going through other videos being as detailed as yours. 🙂
Excellent explanation thank you.
Can I use a settings
I can never understand why people try to encourage you to make water look like paste and not real flowing water.
Who says everyone wants to make water look like that look terrible in my eyes ,no bubbles splashes totally unreal. Very strange !!
Here’s Liban from Canada. I’m watching your videos for a couple of years already.
I wonder two things that you didn’t mention in this video, the first one is what type of lens you use for this photograph, and the second one is where to focus.
I would really appreciate if you can give us some advice.
Thank you so very much.
I enjoyed your explanation of this subject. I missed your explanation on turning off the image stabilization. Why would you want to do this?
This guys tutorials are spot on .Hes got a great way of teaching and simplifying the process.
Back in the day of my Pentax MX, I actually surprised myself with a picture of a stream and small waterfall in the Derbyshire Peaks. It was getting late, it was midwinter, and I had no tripod with me. So decided to take a punt at a handheld shot. My ISO was 200, dictated by the film, and my aperture was quite wider than it should be. My shutter speed was about two seconds, and I thought "No chance". To this day I still do not know how I held that camera steady for two seconds, but the results were very pleasing indeed!
I’d like to take a trip to Aysgarth Falls with my DSLR and see what I can achieve there, using my tripod. The only problem with Aysgarth Falls is that it’s at its best around February and March. It’s apt to be a bit dry in July and August!
I must admit that I like the motion blur in waterfall pictures, likewise, I like the light trails from car lights and funfairs etc. To me, it gives a sense of motion, even in a still image.
Just had a Canon EOS 4000D and these tutorials are incredibly helpful as I’m trying to learn how to always take the “money” shot. Thanks ever so much Paul@PhotoGenius 👍🏻👊🏻
Paul like always you bring all of us to a new level thank you
Great Content!
Quick newbie question. My lens is marked as F3.5-5.6, would that mean I can not adjust to the F11 on my camera settings?
Thank you
Great sir, so much explained so easily.Thank you
Just tried this as you talked me through it, sadly my camera only goes to f8 so I can’t do these shots 🫤
Misleading information you said you need a mirror less camera. Not true a DSLR can work the same.
Brillant as always, thanks. (I have been challenged by photographing waterfalls in bright sunlight, due to the over-exposure as you noted. you said you would cover that in a later video ? Which video?
When taking waterfall photos do you set the focus on the moving water or something near the water ?
I have a Panasonic DMC -TZ20 & on the Shutter speed I only get a range from F3.3 – F6.3 (I can’t find F.11 ) Pity as I live in The Pyrenees surrounded by dozens of stunning water falls!
Again very kind, of you to share this waterfalls tips how to do it… 😉 …
Another video I’ve discovered 3 years too late, still fantastic information. Can you please post a link to the other video for doing long exposure in the middle of the day without a Polarising lens, please.
Thank you so much you taught me a lot
Any ideas on what to do if you can’t carry a tripod?
Hi Paul just wondering did you use manual. Very informative video as I’m just a beginner. Loving all your nikon tips.
I have just subscribed to your site and glad I did. Your advice on waterfall photos was great 👍 I’m new to photography and with you and your channel I feel good about my future photography. Thank you.
I leave for Europe next week. I really would love to create something very similar to the Eiffel Tower shot that you’ve showcased here. Can you tell me the settings you used? I have an old school 5D Mark II with a nifty fifty as well as a 70-200 F4 fixed.
Thank you well explained
Great tutorial video !!!…thoroughly enjoyed it and learned alot!!. Thanks a million for this
Nice work mate will be watching you more for those tips thanks and well done